Left wing, right wing, 
you've heard it all before 
But can you spot the difference 
when they're knocking on your door? 
And while you're poncing yourselves 
up to follow hoards of shit 
Just remember how it feels 
to be pushed, punched and kicked 

 You can't change nothing 
 With your violence and your hate 
 Do you really think that by smashing heads, 
 You're gonna change the state? 

You talk of people dropping out, 
But the system just loves you 
You stand in line and are counted, 
Now your revolutions through 
Because the moment that it started, 
It was arranged, then logged and filed 
More of your mates will die now; 
Soon you'll see them neatly piled 

 You can't change nothing 
 With your violence and your hate 
 Do you really think that by smashing heads 
 You're gonna change your fate 
 The battlefield is set at Margate, 
 And the bloods gonna run so don't be late 

Well they can keep that because I don't want to know 
Won't play no part in the Mr. Muscleman show 
Won't be told that I should fight with you 
Because the real enemy sits back and grins at us too 

There's always people who'll hate what you say 
There's always people who'll lock you away 
There's always people with jobs to do 
But they're still fresh and blood like me and you 

Forced in jobs that they don't want to know 
For monopoly money that's made to show 
Taught to compete against the people on the street 
Down on your knees, don't you think that's a treat? 

This is planned from early on, 
When you're just tiny little mites 
Squatting in the classroom, 
Learning how to read and write 
Hearing all the good things, 
Like how to be polite 
What we realise now is 
That they had control of sight 

We were told of Gods galore and heroes more 
But never of the people 
Who were beaten to the floor 
Told to admire all leaders great and tall 
But never told it was those bastards 
Who made the people crawl 

If you look quite deep enough, 
You'll see its all a con 
A look at past history tells... 
All Government is wrong!